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On June 5th, Friday, we all have a date with Earth. It’s World Environment Day.

But I see no meaning in having this holiday because no one is really giving a damn about this environment anyway.

Wherever you go, you hear people saying “Why should I change? I’m too small to make a real difference anyway.” or “Why should I? Others are not doing it…” The truth is everyone is just too selfish and proud to make a change to their lifestyle. In this case, ‘I’m too insignificant’ just seems like the perfect excuse to shirk the responsibility.

Admit it, we are all guilty of contributing to Earth’s demise at some point of our life. Pollution, urbanization, biological advancement… all committed in the name of pushing economic and human evolution. The world is sapping away at the Earth’s resources faster than it can give us.

Just look at typical Singaporeans… our rampant usage of plastic bags, excessive use of electricity, over-populated highways and exceptionally high demand in meat consumption. Are you saying that using lesser plastic bags, taking public transport and having a vegetarian meal once a week is too hard or you simply too selfish to change what has become of an overly luxurious lifestyle?

Tomorrow, the film named ‘HOME’ will be launching worldwide. FREE. The worldwide release is billed by producers as ‘the greatest green event ever”, a high-budget documentary to save the planet from Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

‘In 200,000 years on earth,’ says the film, ‘humanity has upset the balance of the planet. Humanity has barely 10 years to reverse the trend.’

Speaking to AFP, Mr Arthus-Bertrand said it was time to call a halt to a world where 20 per cent of the population consumed 80 per cent of the planet’s riches.

‘We are living in exceptional times,’ Mr Arthus-Betrand also added, ‘Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate. The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.’

It took almost three years to finalise the mega-movie, shot over 217 days in 54 countries, providing 488 hours of footage. Shot from the air in a chopper, the environmental documentary will be available across the globe from June 5, mostly free of charge, in open-air spaces as well as theatres, TV, DVD, and the Internet at